Virtualization & Cloud

Enables IT to more rapidly adjust resources to meet fluctuating and unpredictable business demand

cloud-150x150Network-based services, which appear to be provided by real server hardware and are in fact served up by virtual hardware simulated by software running on one or more real machines, are often called cloud computing.
Such virtual servers do not physically exist and can therefore be moved around and scaled up or down on the fly without affecting the end user, somewhat like a cloud becoming larger or smaller without being a physical object.
Talk to us about how this emerging technology can work for your business, reduce operating costs, improve resilience and facilitate efficient business continuity planning.

Our Virtualization and Cloud Services

By utilising our services and expertise we can pass on cost savings, know how and best practices. Quite often the primary focus for our clients choosing this approach is to save costs. Quite quickly, whilst achieved, this advantage is replaced in priority to the flexibility, speed and agility virtualization offers.

Cloud Migration Services (Public Cloud)

azure-logoWe provide a number of services to help business move to the cloud, these include moving your mail system or databases. we also look at your current licensing model and whether moving over to an online licensing arrangement will benefit your business moving forward.

Microsoft Azure, as well as Amazon AWS,  and Google Cloud Platform are examples of Public Cloud Providersaws-logo

The result for your business is to minimise expenditure on hardware and the resultant maintenance costs. In turn we can squeeze maximum benefit from the hardware which is required. It delivers flexibility in terms of what applicationsgoogle-cloud-logo you run from various locations and reduces resource anand location requirements for server storage and housing. It also delivers energy and environmental efficiencies for your business.


Server Virtualization

virtualizationThe modern business is increasingly seeking a way to  improve the ROI on IT investments, while at the same time improving on system urilization, availability and recovery times.

Server virtualization is the first and most important step towards a private or hybrid

